Please don’t arrive before 4pm. Our cleaner will be working flat out to prepare the house for your arrival, and she needs all the time she can get!

There is now a blue recycle bin that takes cans, plastic bottles and card/paper. Can you recycle glass yourselves at the Broadford Co-op filling station. Bin day is Wed morning first thing. Green and Blue bins alternate every week so it would be great if you can check the neighbouring houses on Tues night and put the same colour of bin out at the gate. Please try to leave the house neat and tidy, cleaning things provided.

Doors! Tigh Eilidh, built with a slightly older technology requires all external doors to have the handle lifted in order to lock/unlock. In the case of the patio doors, you need to lift the latch in order to lock/unlock. The sliding door will give a satisfying ‘clunk’ if it has been slid into place properly.

The most important thing to remember is that both properties have their own treatment plant for waste, so baby wipes, sanitary items, fat, oil and food, must not be placed in the toilet or down the sink. Separate disposal will be made available.

Mobile reception is problematic in Breakish. The most reliable is Three or Orange, so we advise people to acquire a cheap PAYG deal – I think they are around £10 in Asda.  Tigh Eilidh – 01471 820013 (this is our phone, so emergencies only).

The attractive hemlock staircase in Tigh Eilidh is very narrow (2 feet wide) so you should feel confident about negotiating this. (There is a banister to help). Customers over 6 feet will have to be careful of headspace upstairs.

The last thing we wish to make clear is the need to exit the property by 10am on the last day, as once again our cleaner needs all the time she can get to prepare the cottage to be in the excellent condition we hope you find it.